Beer and Teeth

A Wisdom Tooth

This past two weeks have been a dentist hell for me as since Christmas, I’ve had an upper-right-6 molar go wrong and it’s been giving me some grief.

It all started when I went to Sheffield to see the College. Whilst I struggled up there, our gig at The Robin 2 to see Nearly Dan was cancelled so instead of staying on, I drove back to the dentist at The Square, New Invention to see if I could get something done about it. Whilst they did accept patients, they couldn’t see me for a couple of weeks so waving some cash in front of them I promptly got an appointment for 9.30 the next day when it was agreed I would have the troublesome molar extracted this Saturday.

All week I have been dreading this but finally he day arrived and after phrases like “if it breaks off I may have to refer you…” the chap managed to get it out after a short tussle so here I am, a bit sore but eating without pain for the first time since Christmas.

Last weekend was a bit of a blur as I decided that beer was a good anaesthetic so a night out on Short Heath to celebrate Mr Bills 55th birthday followed by a trip up the Great Western with JC, Rob and Chris Worley ended up with another sort of hangover but it got me through the week, even if it’s not really recommended.

Anyway, no beer today and an Easter trip on the SVR tomorrow! Not a conventional Easter but a better one I think, released of the clutches of formal dinners round the family.

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